Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Grand Rapids - Gateway to the playground of a Nation and the furniture Capital of America

Grand Rapids, with its population of 180,000 is the Metropolis of Western Michigan and the gateway through which thousands of tourists swarm each summer to the vacationalands of the North. Twice a year it is the scene of the World's Furniture Market.

George Welsh for Governor

This is an interesting piece of video shows our confident City Manager making his pitch to become the next Governor of the State of Michigan. Listen to what he says has occurred at the State level of government. Sounds a lot like today doesn't it?

Monday, November 5, 2007

WWII War Awareness Video - Grand Rapids, Michigan

Its very interesting to find out that this video, produced by the United States Government in the early 1940's just after the attack on Pearl Harbor, was narrated by none other than Jimmy Stewart, a young Leiutenant.